Welcome to Quantum Somatics Oasis
I created Quantum Somatics Oasis after healing completely on my own my chronic pain, auto-immune diseases, suicidality, low energy, and anxiety/depression. I found solace in the combination of energy healing and nervous system soothing practices. I want to share the gift of being free from suffering with others, and the gift of seeing your body's innate wisdom to heal and thrive!
Kyra (Brave), is a Quantum Shamanic Healer, Womb Shaman, Trauma Transformation Coach, Registered Provisional Social Worker, Advanced Clinical Trauma Specialist, Emotional Freedom Techniques Therapist, Reflexologist, Clinical Aromatherapist, Breathwork Coach, Yin Yoga Marma Therapist, Personal Trainer Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fat Loss Coach, Sport Nutritionist, Shamanic Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, Meditation Coach, and Founder of Womb Waves Oasis Corp. I am a health seeker, creative mover, and shaker with a thrive mindset.
My joy for guiding others to ignite their power and live in harmony; stemmed from my own trauma journey. I grew-up with violent parents and was exposed to multiple abuses and abusers. I spent 42 years suffering with Depression, Anxiety, Phobia's, Chronic Pain, Eating Disorders, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Ovarian Fibroids, Chronic/Adrenal Fatigue, Cysts, and Suicidality.
After exhausting every treatment I could get my hands on, I began to unlock my wisdom to heal. I recognized the long term impact of trauma caused my nervous system dysregulation, and presented itself as multiple disease and disorders. I began to create safety in my body by constantly soothing it through body based nervous system practices and heart soothing practices, like Shamanic Reiki, Marma Therapy, Reflexology, Yin Yoga, and Emotional Freedom Techniques. I also began to feel safe to clear and honour my emotions that I couldn't at the time of the traumas. I am now symptom free from every disease and disorder, that I suffered with for 42 years.
My trauma story is sadly just one of many, but I have a mission to make it a rare story. I believe I was gifted the journey through suffering to create healing spaces around the world, for all to see their power to heal. I also believe the birth of my daughter, Mykayla, taught me what love feels like, and that every child deserves to be loved and nurtured. My journey is why I created Energy Matrix by Womb Waves Oasis Corp.