Kyra's Qualifications
Thank you for finding my website, my passion, and love!
It brings me so much joy to hold space for people to reach their health and wellness goals. I have personally gone through a chronic pain journey, severe auto-immune diseases, stubborn fat, hormone imbalances, and eating disorders. I truly understand personally the journey of understanding what my body needs and creating health practices to thrive! I have studied and educated myself in countless modalities to bring you the optimal health and wellness care, with much gratitude Kyra xox
Kyra's Fitness Specific Qualifications
Personal Training Specialist
Pre and Post-Natal Fitness Certified
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
Sports Nutritionist
TRX Certified
TRX Rip Trainer Certified
Weight Loss Coach
Russian Kettlebells Coach
Progressive Calisthenics Certified
Body Building Coach
Pelvic Floor Healing Coach
Muscle Activation Therapy, Upper and Lower Body Trained
Advanced Indoor Spin Certified
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Olympic Lifting Coach
Fitness Kickboxing Level 1
Above the Barre Certified
Kyra's Health And Wellness Qualifications
Registered Provisional Social Worker
Bachelor of Social Work
Quantum Healer
Energy Psychology Therapist
Shamanic Counsellor
Social Work Diploma
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Diploma
Energy Psychology Master
Mental Health Therapist
Emotional Freedom Techniques Master Practitioner
Neurosensory Specialist
Advanced Clinical Trauma Specialist
Advanced Child Psychology Certified
Child Psychology Diploma
Magnet Therapy Certified
Menstrual Cycle Healing Coach
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Certified
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Certified
Advanced Shamanic Reiki Practitioner
Meditation Coach
Breathwork Coach
Health Coach
Life Coach
Marma Healing Therapist
200 hr Yoga
Yin Yoga Certified
Art Therapist
Graphic Designer Certified